Monday, June 22, 2009

Fertility doesn't get you pregnant - birth control does!

Ok - so I am trying to catch up this blog - which isn't an easy task, since this has been a crazy and unusual year. One of the surprises this year was that despite having decided we were done having children after Nathan - and having a 10 year IUD in for the last 2 years, I got pregnant! The real kicker to this, is that we had such trouble getting pregnant with each of our children. We even tried fertility before we had Emmie, and it didn't work! Then it took three years in between each kidling to have another. After spending the first week in shock - the next month or two crying and depressed, I have come to accept that we have another sweet little spirit joining our family. Don't get me wrong, I adore all of my children. However, I was counting the days 'till Nathan would be in school, and I could have a half a day to clean or fold laundry without someone undoing it faster than I could do it. Or maybe being able to go for a walk or go to the gym. Or maybe having time to pick back up scrapbooking. Or maybe being able to get my two jobs done without feeling guilty that I should be playing with the kids. I was so excited to be getting rid of everything (babies use a LOT of stuff - the smaller the person, the bigger their stuff, and more of it). And I was excited to be getting my body back. I had started working out the previous year, and lost 40 lbs. I was looking and feeling great! And pregnancy is hard on me physically - and even harder trying to have another baby at 38! I'll qualify for AARP before my kids are even out of the house! Anyhow, I am coming around and will love this baby as much as my other children! Guess sanity, a clean house, and 5 seconds of free time will have to wait a little longer.


Sinclairs said...

LOL That's a crazy story. When you know Heavenly Fathers plans are not your plans.

My IUD fell out almost a year ago. I was hoping it was a sign but no news yet. We are ok being done with 3 but if the Lord wants us to have one more then so be it. No Fertility drugs no Birth control just PCOS lets see if it works for us??

Queen of the Cats said...

Hi mom, about the title, how does that work?